Anna's Ride

   This is the 3rd year doing Anna's Ride. This is a South West Michigan annual ride to bring awareness to the community of the battles each and every person diagnosed with Cancer must go through.

   Anna's Ride is a way our Community can come together and help those in need. We all know how much pain and suffering Cancer can bring on. While battling Cancer, one should not have to battle with their finances!

   This is why each year, the ride sponsors one of these brave people and donates ALL proceeds to help with their financial situation. It is not done for praise or recognition, but rather so we know that these people can go to sleep at night with a little less worry about how they are going to pay that next house payment, or electric bill, or car note. How they are going to afford gas to get to and from their treatments or maybe even just enough stability so their loved one can stay home from work that day to be with them because they are scared and don't want to be alone. If Annas Ride can help with that, than mission accomplished!

Please preorder your Anna's Ride merchandise at the event store page here:

You can RSVP on the Facebook Events page at

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